I think it would support your point better if you identified the individuals who support or better yet have voiced these opinions and quote from them.
You have to admit there are degrees of extremism. This whole gender bending thing is extreme at both ends of the spectrum. What I don't understand is what is causing so many young people to identify with a different gender than that which they were born with. It is happening, but why? It's not natural; while there always have been individuals who were gay or asexual, not like the numbers today.
We don't see it in the animal kingdom, which suggests that something is happening in the evolution of the human race. It's especially hard for most people who identify with the sex they are born with to understand.
I don't believe, however, that the Dems are extreme or even on the wrong side of the issue when it comes to women's rights.
And on the major issues of the day: Climate Change, Gun Control, Healthcare, and Racial Tolerance, I believe the Dems are not extreme but on the right side of the issue.
They also don't subscribe to such extreme issues like Q-Anon, Permissive Gun Possession, and making abortion a crime punishable by death like some crazies out there.