I said I agree with gender roles being socially constructed. But penises and vaginas are not. Is there a biological reason for being trans, I don’t know but I would think so. But it certainly isn’t the norm. Is there a psychological reason for being trans? I also think so.
I’ll give you an example of why I think more people are becoming “trans.” It’s hormonal and affected by environmental influences. Why have sperm counts in species, not just humans declined since the 1970s — this is something I have read so I can’t source it. That seems to be a clue about what’s happening.
Along with this is an anecdote I read about hippos or rhinos in a zoo. Apparently, the animals were having difficulty producing offspring. Somehow they thought it might have something to do with the food they were eating, so they changed their diet from conventional GMO vegetables — I think it was barley — to organic, non-GMO vegetables and their reproduction resumed. So apparently, their inability to procreate was related to their diet.
In any case, factory farm production and the increased use of pesticides may be a factor— GMO foods, which allow for the increase of certain pesticides like glyphosate, have been around since the 1990s. But other toxins in the environment also may be a culprit for declines in sperm count.
Now this is just anecdotal and I don’t have the scientific details to support this, but it wouldn’t surprise me if this is a factor.
There have been gays, lesbians, bisexual people since the dawn of human history. But it seems to me, and I may be wrong, that something is increasing the number of people who identify as such.
I accept people as they are. We are all different. But sometimes the LGBT community can be very overbearing because they can’t accept themselves. It’s understandable. People normally want to be part of the group and it can be difficult if in some fundamental way you are not. It also can be difficult for those who can’t understand why others are different in such a basic way. I myself don’t think I will ever feel comfortable watching two people of the same sex making our or making love. I think that most heterosexual people feel that way. But it’s all about acceptance, and live and let live.
Finally, maybe someone can create a new pronoun for trans people. The plural form to refer to oneself is awkward and ungrammatical. Have any ideas?